Monday, May 11, 2020

We've got a new baby granddaughter Natalie.
This is my oldest daughter's first baby.

My son's kids are here:

A new page in my life.
These kids are a lot of fun and they call me pa-po. I think my wife made it up so I wouldn't cringe at gramps.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

It's been 10 years

So my son has a 4 year old and a two year old. Llew and jaina.

I did the stomping in the fireplace again.

Holy shit!

These kids went crazy..the bitten cookies and all that stuff.

So good  I love it!

Christmas is for children!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Goings on.

Sorry I haven't been around lately.

I've been dealing with some health issues with my blood pressure, insomnia and just an overall shitty disposition. I've been neglecting my health for too long and I'm paying for it. Lately, I've been trying to get things back in order. When the body isn't working right it seems the brain doesn't want to work either.

I've been watching the news with a detached morbid curiosity but I'm not sure what to make of it. There might be a light at the end of the tunnel but at this point I don't want to get my hopes up.

Hope everyone is hanging in there.

Oh yeah my daughter said she wanted a video of Tom and Jerry dancing to Elvis, so I had to oblige.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Been busy. Hope to get back to posting soon.

This is worse than I ever imagined.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


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Saturday, August 8, 2009

still on vacation but still sharing

I can't believe I had never seen this before.